Our Origin

From over 6 Institutes, under STES, spread over Pune, the team consists of 34 (and growing…) enthusiastic members. A group of engineering undergraduates founded the team with a notion of doing something bigger than themselves, and soon, their passion spread like wildfire catching the attention of more than 108 equally earnest minds, but only the best could make it into the team.

STES Aerobots craves to be the team that contended alongside top universities of the world like Stanford University and Massachusetts University and prove to be the best among them, and raise STES and India’s name to newer heights.

The Competetion

The main purpose of the competition is to modify technology in order to benefit the world with the proposed missions.

Each Mission builds upon the previous mission and brings about a more efficient and advanced growth in the technology to the point that the last one may start to sound easy.

Mission 9 raises the stakes, while continuing to advance autonomous capabilities, by now integrating completely new elements such as manipulation of large objects, interaction with moving frames of reference, aerial robotic repair of mobile platforms, Navigation using only GPS/Optical/Magnetic, use ONLY on-board computing and many more, which will lead to a unique and perhaps unexpected solution to the problem statement.